Thursday, September 16, 2010

What I am Reading

Well, obviously I am reading a lot in the Bible. But, beyond that, what books and stuff are helping to reinforce, shape, extend, and alter my thoughts? Here is a short list of the best reads from the last while. Of course, some of these are more entertainment books. On the whole though, I don't read too much for entertainment; I always try to find real value from even those books. Also, there are some good business/strategy books mixed in as well. Helps me keep a good balance on my views.
  • When God Builds a Church, Bob Russel
  • Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, David Platt
  • Overton Window, Glenn Beck
  • Traveller's Gift, Andy Andrews
  • The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
  • Sherlock Homles Novels and Stories, Arthur Conan Doyle
  • The Myth of a Christian Nation, Gregory A. Boyd
  • Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim
  • Screwtape Letters (again), C.S. Lewis
  • A Tale of Two Cities (again), do I have to tell you who wrote this?
  • 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell
  • Fearless, Max Lucado
The next book on the list is Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. Then, here is my wish list of books I need to pick up (from memory, I have a few more typed out on my other computer).
  • The Christian Athiest, Craig Groeschel
  • Forgotten God, Francis Chan
  • Outliers, Malcom Gladwell
Feel free to recommend some other good ones. I will likely add them to my list and get to them soon.


Duane said...

Glad to see Boyd on there. I'm really starting to respect his work. I'm reading his book God of the Possible right now, very good by the way. Haven't read Myth of a Christian Nation yet but it's on my list. Some other recent reads that I would recommend are: Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne, Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey, and In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen. My list of books I want to read is getting longer by the day including several by Boyd and Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas. If you like Boyd you can listen to a podcast of his sermons on iTunes. He is a very good preacher. Just search for Woodland Hills Church.

Mark said...

Yep, Boyd is one of those who has really decided to preach some truth for sure. I already have The Jesus I Never Knew (read it at while in school actually). Also have Rumors of Another World and his book on Prayer, which I cannot remember the exact title now.

Duane said...

The Claiborne book is a very easy read, and does an excellent job looking at Christianity and nationalism. The Nouwen book is very short, but does an awesome job showing what true Christian leadership should look like. Is Yancey's Prayer book new? Just saw it the other day at Berean. I really want to get that one.

Mark said...

I will add those to the list. As for the Yancey book, "Prayer, Does it Make Any Difference?", it was a 2006 publish date. The best part of it is it seems he, like myself struggles with a philosophy of prayer. So, to see him write this kind of book was a huge encouragement to me as I struggle with understanding prayer.